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Tip Sheet: Choosing a Behavioral Health EHR for Your Needs


If your healthcare organization is among the many still unsatisfied with their current health records management, then you’re most likely overwhelmed with the task of moving from paper to digital records or finding a new electronic health records (EHR) system that has exactly what you’re looking for. The transition period can be extremely difficult for some healthcare providers and agencies, who face several barriers to achieving meaningful use through EHR adoption.

Even if you’re able to get past these challenges, which can include overcoming financial incentives, data protection laws and interoperability issues, your organization still needs to arrive at a decision on the best platform that suits your organizational needs and industry requirements. Those operating in the behavioral health space have their own factors to weigh; as the push for merging mental health and physical health continues, more organizations are searching for electronic health records systems that support additional features such as e-prescribing and telehealth, which are becoming increasingly important.

So what should you look for in a new EHR platform? To guide your search, here are a few things that modern EHRs boast:

Health IT Certifications

To demonstrate that their technology offers the ability to store data in a structured format that enables meaningful use, some EHRs hold health IT certifications that prove they meet or exceed certain standards. Those that participate in the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) Health IT Certification Program, for example, create the opportunity for healthcare professionals and hospitals to exhibit meaningful use themselves and qualify for associated incentives.

Flexible Treatment Planning

EHRs that offer flexibility in their treatment planning capabilities help to drive payment for organizations. Oftentimes, agencies will not be paid if they fail to show active treatment plans and billing documentation. Look for configurable treatment planning templates and features that enable centralized clinical and medical workflows.

Robust Reporting Capabilities

In most cases, funders, accreditors and surveyors require thorough business intelligence reports in order to justify funding for your organization. This information can be readily available through your EHR, which should also contribute to reduced administrative burden for clinical and medical documentation and increased ease of outcome reporting.

Are you ready to upgrade to an EHR that promotes meaningful use and enables effective communication in your organization? If you need more guidance on what to look for, download the Tip Sheet: Choosing the Right EHR. It provides an overview of the top 8 areas you should consider when exploring your options so you can select an EHR platform and partner that meet your unique needs.

Download Tip Sheet

Interested in learning how Cx360 Integrated Behavioral Health EHR Platform could benefit your organization’s care coordination? Click here to learn more about the features and benefits.