Core Solutions Blog

Digital Download: What You Need to Know About CCBHC & the Excellence in Mental Health Act


The Protecting Access to Medicare Act includes a demonstration program based on the Excellence in Mental Health Act which aims to increase Americans’ access to community mental health and substance use treatment services while improving Medicaid reimbursement for these services. The legislation includes criteria for the establishment of federally Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) with a goal to improve the quality of mental health care for all Americans.

When fully implemented, the Excellence Act will infuse over $1 billion into the behavioral health system, making it the biggest federal investment in mental health and addiction services in generations.

Download this fact sheet for answers to the following questions:

  • What are the components of the Excellence in Mental Health Act?
  • What is the timeline?
  • What are the certification criteria for becoming a CCBHC?
  • What are the 9 required CCBHC services?
  • What happens to states that aren’t chosen for the initial demonstration period?
  • What are the intended outcomes for CCBHC patients?


Core Solutions Inc. is committed to meeting the needs of the Behavioral Healthcare providers who are seeking to become a CCBHC. As part of this commitment, Core’s Cx360 platform will:

  • Support the data collection needs for a CCBHC as it pertains to CCBHC grant requirements;
  • Support the federal criteria for the CCBHC, which is based on SAMHSA’s Metrics and Quality Measures for Behavioral Health Clinics; and
  • Offer complete datasets and reporting templates by April 2017.
